22/11: Gift wishes

NaBloPoMo: one post every day throughout November

It’s my friend’s son’s 17th birthday today. I remember when he was born, we were all so excited because she was really the first of us to pop one out. He was beautiful (still is) and we were all very pleased. We made him a time capsule and put silly things in it (and nice things as well). He has one year left until he’s allowed to crack it open and frankly I’m amazed that we’ve all actually waited this long. His mother has a vague idea of what’s in it and teases me – she knows me and the other time capsule contributors were probably a bit silly and naieve ‘back then’. To be honest I can’t really remember but the only thing I can say for sure that he’ll enjoy is the letter that I wrote him, because I have a feeling it will be a great little snap of the moment. Only twelve more months to go, Ollie! Happy birthday x

5 thoughts on “22/11: Gift wishes

  1. Im just as excited as he is. We must all be together when he opens it. Thank you xxxxxx

  2. I’m going to do one for SM for his 10th birthday – I meant to do it for his 1st and got as far as buying him a Killers album to put inside (this is one of the secret items – album or single that topped the charts at the child’s birth week). Have still not cracked open the seal of Jonah’s CD so I can put it in his 10-year box. Never too late!

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